Thursday, November 29, 2012

Random cuteness

Hadley is still playing with her favorite circus light up toy.

And she's becoming very interested in cleaning.  She dragged out all the essential supplies this morning.

Now if I can just teach her how to properly use them.

Hadley and Cane looking out a foggy front door on a very cold morning.

And saving the best for last... 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Late night/early morning

Hadley decided she would play poker with the guys on Saturday night. So she grabbed her preferred drink (milk) and asked for a boost to the table.
Hadley wanted to play no limit poker but the guys were scared of losing all their money to her. She made a compelling argument but, in the end, they just couldn't agree. 

So, she decided to hit the hay.

Which was a good idea since she had an early start with church the next day.
I guess it was a little too early...either that or the sermon was a little long (which it wasn't).

Then we headed home for a long nap and a fun afternoon/evening followed.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Nap time

Sometimes you can be too tired for a nap. That happened to Hadley earlier today. We were running an errand and I almost missed my window of nap time opportunity for Hadley. Luckily, I didn't miss it. But it did take her 30 minutes to fall asleep. During that time she started teething on the rail of her crib. Luckily, a friend gave me something to put over the rail. We'll see how long it takes her to remove it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gator Ride

Hadley loves going for a ride on the Gator with her Papaw. See for yourself.