Friday, January 25, 2013

Enjoy and Endure

A good friend of mine told me years ago that some days you enjoy and some days you endure. And I've found that to be true in most things...parenting included.

Lately (and mostly), Hadley has been a joy. She's funny, sweet, and full of energy.

Her personality is spot on to fit in with our family. Silly, sweet, crazy, and caring...we just love her!

Here she is waving goodbye to her Dada as she does most mornings.

So, we all have certainly enjoyed this particular stage we're in right now.  Hadley's learning new words every day.  She knows exactly what she wants and is a little bit better at telling you/showing you what that is. She's funny and loves to make us laugh...which we appreciate!

Clearly, the days we enjoy far out number the days we endure. But the days that we have to endure remind us not to take for granted the good days.

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