Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Jerk...not the movie

I'm not sure if you've heard us refer to Cane as a "Jerk" before but...believe me, we have and we do! Don't judge us for it.  The label is fitting...because even though he's super cute (in my opinion)

And he really loves Hadley

He whines/cries MORE than joke!

He's an attention whore and totally tries to push Bella out of the way of getting some love. Every. Single. Time.

But the best Jerk move to date (with the exception of the time he actually lifted his leg and let loose on Bella!) was Monday. 

We have a little boy that lives across the street from us.  Since he was home from school because of a snow day, he decided to pass the time and build a snowman.  Now, the kid is 7 years old, so the snowman wasn't really that impressive. Nonetheless, it was about 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall and it had a couple of branches for arms.  It probably took the kid a good 20 minutes to build it.

Later that evening, I had to get something out of my car and I let Cane out the front door to meander while I did so.  As I'm walking back towards the front door, I see Cane across the street (you'd think being hit by a car would make him scared to cross any such luck) sniffing the arms of the snowman.  I yell to him to come on and as he's getting ready to walk back across the street (without looking both ways) he lifts his leg on the little kid's snowman! Seriously...what a Jerk move!

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