Thursday, August 11, 2016

Vacation Day 6

The day started off for me with a walk on the beach to watch the sunrise. 

I saw where a sea turtle had made her way up on the beach to lay some eggs, then made her way back to the water. I have see their nests marked off before but I've never seen their whole path to and from before. 

After breakfast we went back to the beach where apparently I didn't take any pictures. 

We returned from the beach and the kids, especially Hadley, practiced their swimming skills, then had lunch, then took a nap (even Fluffa the stuffed animal)! 

That day was Lulu's birthday so once we were cleaned up and ready to go out and celebrate, we gave her a birthday present. 

Then went to dinner just a minute down the street at a nearby Beach Club. 

We sat outside and the weather was beautiful. 

One minute we were all smiles...

...toasting Lulu's special day. 

Then, the next minute, I had one kid throwing up their delicious lobster pasta and the other kid in serious need of a diaper change. Mimi helped the three of us to the car then I took the kids back to the house, which thank goodness was so close. I cleaned them up and Hadley, who felt immediately better, had a wardrobe change while the rest of our party stayed back to finish their meals (if they were even still hungry after all that). Once we returned to the restaurant, we all had dessert like nothing ever happened and then we went down to the beach to take some pictures. 

Needless to say, this was certainly one birthday Lulu won't soon forget...nor will I. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Vacation Day 5

The day started off with a walk on the beach to watch the sunrise. 

Then after breakfast we headed down to the beach to play. 

This was our clue that it was time to head back to the house. 

A quick dip to make sure we got rid of all the sand. 

Then lunch and nap/rest time for the kids and time to relax for the adults. 

We had another delicious dinner at the house and I didn't even have to change out of my bathing suit to enjoy it! 

Bedtime for all was not far behind 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Vacation Day 4

Day 4 started out with a delicious breakfast. 

Then we headed to the beach!

We came back to the pool for some swimming and lunch. 

Then it was naptime for some. 

That evening the kids got baths, snacked on bananas while the homemade pizzas and bear calzones were cooking. 

We managed to set off the fire alarm and some may have been trying to help by fanning what they thought was the fire alarm but actually it was the doorbell. 

Hadley wanted to practice saying the blessing for us. 

Then it was time to dig in, pig out, and go to bed. 

Vacation Day 3

This was a great day. It was filled with beach time...


...and my favorite...dinner time!