Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Pizza night

The kids LOVE to make pizzas. 

Case eats as much while making the pizza as he does once it's actually cooked. 

Hadley's little masterpiece. 

Yogurt is delicious and messy. 

Off to a bath. 

We like to party

What's more fun than a cardboard box?

Our family portrait by Hadley. 

We hosted a baby shower and there were kids everywhere! 

8 kids and the oldest was Hadley (4 years old). L to R: (never mind the headless man) Boone, Sam, Kit, Max, Hadley, Case, me, Lucy, Annie, and Barret. 

Case is saying "cheese" in this picture. 


Case taking a ride on his sister's new toy. It passed his inspection. 

Hadley's really gotten into giving free "makeovers." And she is so proud of her work. 

Toy garage

Hadley's school had an open house that she was excited for us to attend. As we're walking up to the school I realized that I had read the reminder email incorrectly and the open house was the previous night. Oops! She was still really excited to show us some new stuff outside the school. 

So it wasn't a total bust.