Wednesday, April 10, 2013


 You all might recall Hadley's fascination and love of horses back last summer and fall.

She couldn't get enough of them.

She would even get a little upset when you left them. 

She would willingly try to touch them (don't worry...there was plenty of supervision).

Well, over the winter, some things have changed.  She's learned to climb the gate (without assistance) and she appreciates admiring the horses from a distance...

...or in someone's arms.

I know it's good to have a healthy dose of caution around any animal. But I don't want her to be afraid of them. So, we're working on it. A little each day. And she is getting better. She even touched one on the nose the other day. But it was so quick that I couldn't get a picture. 

She still loves to look at them and she says hi and bye to them all the time. I think it's a love that will last. After all, considering where she lives, they're likely to be around a lot.

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